PTA Information

●  President: Branda Lin  
●  Executive VP: Marissa Weel 
●  Secretary: Stephen Yung   
●  Treasurer: Kyoungsun Moon  
●  Financial Secretary: Win Chan  
●  VP Programs: Lin Cai  
●  VP Fundraising: Mina Woo 
●  VP Membership: Cathy Kim  
●  Historian: Sunny Lim  
●  Financial Reviewer: Smita Reddi

●  Parliamentarian: Jasmine Jean

Cypress Village PTA is a registered 501(c)(3)

Cypress Village PTA Tax ID No. 90-1043144 

CLICK HERE for more info

Cypress Village Elementary

Jennifer Lambert, Principal
Evan Forster, AP
355 Rush Lily
Irvine, CA 92620
Phone: (949) 936-8900
Attendance: (949) 936-8901

Office Hours
Monday 8am-3pm
Tuesday 8am-3pm
Wednesday 8am-1:45pm
Thursday 8am-3pm
Friday 8am-3pm






We will be voting in next year's PTA Board at our March 19th PTA General Association Meeting.


Join us for coffee, treats, and voting! 


We still have a few chair positions available!


Questions? Interested? Email Jasmine Jean



Volunteer With the PTA


There are several opportunities to volunteer throughout the year! 


  • Scholastic Bookfair - February 3-7

Help set up, run the cashiers, and restock items at our annual Bookfair! 

  • International Night - February 28

Imagine sharing your heritage by offering small food samples, displaying traditional clothing or artifacts, and teaching us a few phrases in your native language! It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase the unique beauty of your culture.


Questions? Email Branda Lin 


No Need to Volunteer!

No Need to Attend Meetings!


Order Your Spirit Wear! 


We will fullfill orders on a weekly basis and have them delivered to your student.


 Shirt: $20  
Zip-up Hoodie: $35


Questions? Email Cathy Kim or  

New This year!


Stay Informed - Ask Questions - Build Community!


Prefer communicating in any of the languages below? Click link below!
For more info click here.

If you'd like to start another language group,
please reach out to a PTA Board member!


Chinese (WeChat)

請加入我們學校 Cypress Village Elementary School 的中文群組。


Farsi (WhatsApp)

به گروه گفتگوی والدین ایرانی مدرسه ابتدایی cypress village بپیوندید .


Join the PTA!

To make a difference and provide the best educational experience for all our students!
Join the PTA!

What Does the PTA Do?

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Image number 6 in a rotating selection of images.
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Image number 8 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 9 in a rotating selection of images.

Social Media

Stay informed! Follow us!


Sponsor Highlights

Your support enables us to provide educational and enrichment opportunities for our students while supporting our teachers and staff!

CLICK HERE to learn about becoming a corporate sponsor!

Thank you to our 2024-2025 sponsors!


Platinum Sponsors


Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors 


 Bronze Sponsors




In-Kind Donations